¿Qué estamos haciendo ante el COVID19?
En Tara Brooch, nos tomamos muy en serio la seguridad.
Ante la contingencia sanitaria del COVID19, hemos reabierto nuestra presencia física con las siguientes precauciones:
- Capacitación a nuestras ejecutivas de ventas sobre transmisión del virus
- Limpieza cada 3 horas de todas las superficies planas, con desinfectante industrial
- Uso de tapabocas
- Termómetro infrarojo
- Lavado de manos tras atender a clientes
- Distancia mínima entre clientes de 1.5 mts
- Ventilación adicional
¡Su comentario se ha compartido con éxito! ¡Gracias!
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Hello all, guys! I know, my topic may be too specific for this forum,
But my sister found nice man here and they married, so how about me?! :)
I am 25 years old, Maria, from Romania, know English and Russian languages also
And… I have specific disease, named nymphomania. Who know what is this, can understand me (better to say it immediately)
Ah yes, I cook very tasty! and I love not only cook ;))
Im real girl, not prostitute, and looking for serious and hot relationship…
My photo:
Added later:
Ooops! Seems that photo broken, sorry =(
Anyway, you can find my profile here:
Or write to me via Telegram @Lindseyacaws
P.S. dont write to me, trolls! >:-(
Hello all, guys! I know, my topic may be too specific for this forum,
But my sister found nice man here and they married, so how about me?! :)
I am 27 years old, Maria, from Romania, know English and Russian languages also
And… I have specific disease, named nymphomania. Who know what is this, can understand me (better to say it immediately)
Ah yes, I cook very tasty! and I love not only cook ;))
Im real girl, not prostitute, and looking for serious and hot relationship…
My photo:
Added later:
Ooops! Seems that photo broken, sorry =(
Anyway, you can find my profile here:
Or write to me via Telegram @Lindseyacaws
P.S. dont write to me, trolls! >:-(
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